Shipping & Delivery
U.S. Shipping Transit Times
Our current processing time is 1 to 3 business days on all orders including Priority and Express shipping. Our default method of shipping is Standard, which takes approximately 8-12 business days to deliver within the USA, EXCLUDING Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and APO. Most customers receive their order within a week, but delays are possible.
- Free Shipping/Standard Shipping arrives approximately 5-9 business days
- Expedited Shipping arrives in an estimated 5-7 business days
- Priority Shipping arrives in an estimated 4-6 business days
Note: Please expect longer processing and ship times during annual sales.
Expedited, Priority, and Express shipping options are not available during Launch days due to the volume of orders we receive.
International Orders
- Canada & Australia*: 7-15 business days
- Europe, Asia & Middle East: 7-12 business days
- Rest of the World: 6-13 business days
Tracking is NOT available in all countries. Tracking to certain countries will only update until it leaves the USA. Please contact your local post office or courier for further information.
Order Status
- Due to the volume of orders we process, we cannot cancel an order once it's been placed — especially on Launch days.
- All orders come with shipping and tracking information! Please check your emails for updates.
- Please allow 48 hours for tracking to be updated.
- We advise to sign up for e-mail and/or SMS notifications through the final tracking information to ensure you receive real-time updates for your package's last location.
- We are NOT responsible for any lost or stolen packages. If you are having trouble tracking your package with the tracking information we provide, please contact the last available courier for more information.
- If you have any questions or concerns about shipping, please feel free to contact us at:
Business/Commercial Addresses
If a package is going to a business/commercial address, it's required that a person's first and last name be in the address Line 1 field, or it will be held for verification that the package is being sent to an individual, not a business.
Import Taxes & Duties
Refused Or Undeliverable Packages
Refused or undeliverable packages are subject to return shipping costs that vary by shipping method used in the original order. We will deduct shipping fees from your invoice for orders marked as undeliverable, refused, or insufficient address.
Refused, insufficient address, or undeliverable packages will be refunded minus all shipping charges and $8 undeliverable fee, which will be deducted from your original payment. Please place a new order with correct shipping address/information if you would like your items re-sent.
In the gym a client once came up to one of our partners representing Pneuma Tape and asked: “Why use nasal strips. I’m already breathing?”
Our partner said: “Why use straps you already lifting? Why use lifting belt you are already squatting? Why use shoes you are already walking?”At Pneuma we believe that any - natural - thing that can enhance your abilities as a human being is the best investment you can do. Just like a simple tool as a lifting strap can enhance your ability to lift heavier weights.
OUR VISION We want to help people perform better, feel better, think better, and make better decisions in life through natural enhanced methods.
OUR PRODUCT We focus on creating unique and special products that our customers can wear withpurposeas they use it and look at it.
No compromises are made. We strive to always deliver the next-generation of nasal strips.
“Every product is designed with our partners and customers from start to finish.”
Pneuma means "Breath" in Greek. We believe that everyone deserves to breathe easy, and that's why we crafted a line of simple custom nasal strips that are designed to reminded you of who you are, and what you believe in, while helping you breathe better, sleep better, and overall live better.
We're confident that you'll love Pneuma nasal strips.If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. The team and I are here to help you be a part of the vision we put forward!
On behalf of the team,Thank you
For inquiries and partnerships, don’t hold back: Contact -